Friday, December 19, 2008

No Way!!

My consistently picky eater, Emily, has just blown my mind away. For
lunch today, I offered spaghetti-o's or a sandwich. Emily chose a
sandwich. I offered cheese or PB-honey. She chose the latter. So when
I place their food before them, Emily starts whimpering because she
does not have spaghetti-o's like Stephen. I scold her and remind her
she chose this food for lunch.

Here's where it get's weird. Emily says she really wanted a cheese
sandwich instead, so I offer to cut her a piece of cheese, but tell
her she still needs to eat her sandwich. When I give her the cheese,
she decides to 'enhance' her sandwich with it, and sticks it right in
the middle of the PB and honey. Now she's taking big bites of her
sandwich, chewing along with some emphatic "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmmmmm!!!"s.

She is just nuts (and making me a little, too.)


  1. she sounds like she'd blend into our family just perfectly!

    colin HAS adopted a sandwich i always liked as a kid: turkey and doritos sandwich.

  2. Yes, it sounds like a family thing...I like to make weirdly blended sandwiches, too.

    Gramma Mary
